

Sisanie is co-host of Ryan Seacrest's show On Air With Ryan on KIIS FM Los Angeles' Hit Music radio station from 5am-10am.Full Bio


Here's How To Avoid Scammers On Dating Apps!

Worried Woman Checking Messages on Smart Phone

Photo: Getty Images

As if dating isn’t hard enough… using dating apps has to be exhausting and…let’s face it…a little scary at times. Who knew there were so many dating app scammers out there but there are!

From voicefishers to just plain creeps…here are 5 ways to avoid them!

5. Get As Many Details As Possible!!! - look for singles who have actually put some time and effort into their profiles. “People who fill out the fields, prompts, and post six photos are the ones you want to pursue…not the ones with 1 blurry photo. And don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions.

4. Look for Flashy Red Flags - If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. “On profiles, it’s a red flag when someone brags about money or poses in front of fancy cars that might not be theirs.

3. Request a Video Date – this one seems pretty obvious! But get that face-to-face ASAP!

2. Watch Out for “Love Bombing” - When communicating on an app, it’s a red flag if someone says ‘I love you’ too fast or tells you they’ve never felt this type of instant connection before…or showers you with gifts right away!

1. See Through Any Sob Stories or Cries For Help - Dating app scammers are sneaky in that they know that playing with your emotions can get you to open your mouth—revealing personal info that they can use to rip you off—or your wallet. Eventually, there will be a sob story or some emergency that requires you to open your wallet and transfer money to them…”temporarily”.

Just like the Tinder Swindler…

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