ARIES – Personal growth is the name of the game.
TAURUS – Widen your viewfinder and consider teaching.
GEMINI – Team up with kindred spirits in your neighborhood and work together for a mindful purpose.
CANCER- Sincere action can shift someone’s outlook.
LEO- Your focus shifts to profound bonds and psychological growth.
VIRGO- Approach relationships from a stable, grounded, secure place.
LIBRA- You’re feeling more and more ready to take the next step and commit to a certain relationship.
SCORPIO- Your perfectionist tendencies are preventing you from growing.
SAGITTARIUS – Put your party dress on and hit the dance floor.
CAPRICORN – Ask questions that penetrate past surface small talk.
AQUARIUS – It’s time to live life to the fullest.
PISCES – Dropping your defenses will strengthen your relationships.
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