The beloved and cultural phenomenon, Game of Thrones, has officially concluded with its eighth and final season .
After an 8 year, 8 season and 71 episode run, the HBO show is over and fans across the world are celebrating the impact of the show. Well, if you haven't hopped on the "GoT" train quite yet, and FOMO is REALLY getting to you, well just know that it is never too late to start the show. In fact, you don't have to wait for any new episodes and you can just binge all the way through.
As a goodbye to the show, Twitter user @ultrabrilliant put together a reel worthy of the Iron Throne.Literally a perfect trailer for the full DVD/Blu-Ray collection set.
Essentially the video serves as the perfect summary for the entire series. It pulls the most iconic and stunning moments from every single episode. Literally just one second from every episode and it flows beautifully.
Watch below:
For those who have watched the entire series, we can all agree that the was such a beautiful compilation. For those of you who are late to the party, hopefully this video got you super excited to start your journey called "Game of Thrones"
PHOTOS: Getty Images