Bad Bunny Responds After He Tossed A Fan's Phone In The Water

2022 Made In America - Day 2

Photo: Getty Images North America

In a viral video, Bad Bunny was seen tossing a fan's phone in the water after she shoved her phone in his face to get a video with him. Bad Bunny has received backlash following this video, and he has since responded saying:

La persona que se acerque a mi a saludarme, a decirme algo, o solo conocerme, siempre recibirå mi atención y respeto. Los que vengan a ponerme un cabrón teléfono en la cara lo consideraré como lo que es, una falta de respeto y así mismo lo trataré yo.

Which translates to, 'a person who comes up to me to say hello, to tell me something, or just to meet me, will always receive my attention and respect. Those who come to put a phone in my face I will consider it for what it is, a lack of respect and I will treat it likewise.

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