Infant Killed After Falling Out Of SUV And Getting Run Over

Baby in rear facing car seat  has the safety belt on

Photo: Getty Images

ten-month-old girl was killed in a tragic accident in Woodbridge, Virginia, on Sunday (June 12). Prince William County police said that the 35-year-old mother put her daughter unrestrained in the backseat of her 2013 Toyota Highlander as she drove to drop off some trash in a nearby dumpster.

The woman then drove back home to pick up other members of her family.

When a family member opened the door, the young girl fell out of the vehicle and onto the road. The mother, who was not identified, got out of the car to check on the girl. In her rush to make sure her baby was okay, she forgot to put the car into park, and the SUV rolled backward and struck the child.

The young girl was rushed to the hospital with a head injury and was pronounced dead later that day.

Officials have not filed charges against the mother and said that the case remains under investigation.

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