This High School Included A Student's Service Dog In The Yearbook

Ah, high school yearbooks.

They're the official sign that summer is coming and soon you'll be free from the confines of your school schedule for a couple of months.

But what could possibly make an already great yearbook even better??

Including a student's service dog.

Stafford High student Diana is a senior who got her yearbook a couple days before the rest of the students. She noticed Alpha on the page and immediately shared the photo to Twitter so other underclassmen who hasn't gotten their yearbooks yet could see!

Alpha's owner AJ had shared the great news that his service dog would be able to start going to school with him back in December 2015.

Schalk told BuzzFeed he has Type 1 diabetes and Alpha's job is to alert him when his blood sugar is getting too low or high.

He also celebrated Alpha being in the yearbook on Twitter:

And when a fellow student asked if he would be walking at graduation with Alpha (he will be a senior next year!), he said he definitely plans on it, and other students offered to make Alpha a graduation cap and a diploma.

This is absolutely the story of the year.

I mean, the dog also has his own school ID.

I already love Alpha and I haven't even met him.

Best service dog ever.

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