Have You Seen These Orange-toothed Rodents That are Invading SoCal?

You might have seen a very unusual creature crawling around the streets of LA lately. It may or may not have stopped you dead in your tracks. I mean it's not often you see a rodent with giant orange teeth walking around!

Well, it's happening! The rodents are called Nutria and apparently they are invading California. So what are Nutria? According to KTLA, they are large, semi-aquatic creatures that feed on plants that hold wetland soil together. So how will their presence effect us? They will destroy or cause significant damage to our plants, crops and soil structure.

I actually think I saw one they other day! I have seen so many holes pop up in the ground near my apartment complex. And one day I saw what I thought was a beaver, poke his head through. I wasn't able to see the orange teeth which is probably a good thing. I might have lost my mind!

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