It's Capricorn Season! Here's Your Monthly Horoscope

day of the year…all that… and here is ur monthly horoscope….so capricorn season is all about getting stuff done….its time to set goals..make boss moves and get motivated to start 2023 off on the right foot for ur relationships and ur careers….on the other hand today marks winter solstice…and we all know winter can be a rought time for some emotionally….seaosnal depression be hitting me like a wave every year…its cold…no body to cuddle with…its cold…so heres some things to remember so u dont get off track…increase ur vitamin d levels…excerise…and make sure ur stay connected with ur friends and family….capricorn season is what u make it…good luckk

It's Capricorn season, first day of winter, AND the shortest day of the year. So here is your monthly horoscope. According to Cosmo, Capricorn season is all about getting stuff done. It's time to set goals, make boss moves and get motivated to start 2023 off on the right foot in your relationships and your careers.

On the other hand, today marks winter solstice…and we all know winter can be a rough time for some emotionally. Seasonal depression is REAL! Here are some things to remember so you don't get off track:

  • Increase your vitamin D levels
  • Exercise
  • Make sure you stay connected with your friends and family

Good luck!

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