Gavin Newsom Plans To Have California Make Its Own Insulin

On Thursday, July 7th Governor Gavin Newsom addressed that California will be making its own insulin, which is a drug used by people with diabetes to help control blood sugar.

Newsom just signed a budget for $100 million so California can contract and make its own insulin, which many people pay between $300 and $500 each month for the life-saving drug. Newsom said that with California making its own insulin, they will be able to make it "at a cheaper price, close to at cost, and to make it available to all."

California is going to make its own insulin. It’s simple. People should not go into debt to get life-saving medication.

You can view the whole video on what Newsom had to say about his plan to make insulin more affordable to hundreds of Californians that use it daily below.

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