CA Just Set The Nation's Strictest Plastic Reduction Rules

According to ABC 7, major legislation passed a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom for a way that will help significantly reduce single-use plastic packaging in the state and drastically boost recycling rates for what remains. This will be the nations most strictest requirements when it comes to plastic packaging and companies that sell shampoo, food, and other products wrapped in plastic will have a decade to start cutting back on their use.

Under this bill, plastic producers will need to reduce their plastics in single-use products by 10% by 2027 and then increase it to 25% by 2032. Companies can reduce their plastic packaging by reducing package sizing, switching to different material or make the product easily reusable or refillable. By 2032, plastic will also need to be recycled at a rate of 65%.

The bill also bans incineration and combustion of plastic but it leaves open the possibility for some forms of so-called chemical recycling. Click here for more.

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