IHeart SoCal: Child Care Resource Center

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This week on IHeart SoCal Lisa Foxx chatted with the VP/COO of Child Care Resource Center Ellen Cervantes They discussed all the ways this nonprofit, uses government grants to help families get their childcare fees covered. They also discussed job opportunities for those looking to work in childcare, and how this organization also can assist families with food, diapers and more. 

Each month, the Child Care Resource Center provides quality, support, development, and education to almost 50,000 children, families in their 22,500-square-mile service area. Their current programs include resource libraries, home visiting, workforce development, family engagement, financial care assistance, Head Start preschool, Early Head Start, Early Head Start – Childcare partnership, Motherhood and so much more.

Head to https://www.ccrcca.org/ for more info!

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