California Named One Of The Rowdiest St. Patrick's Day States

Let's be honest. No one does St. Patty's Day quite like Californians do. If there are two things we like it's our green beer and a green shirt. I know someone who has been out drinking since 6 this morning with no plans of slowing down!

If you're wondering how we compare to the rest of the country, the fact of the matter is there is barley any competition. According to Candy Store, California ranks among the top 16 rowdiest states for St. Patrick's Day. In fact we are the only west coast state that ranks this high on the list.

With that being said, be safe today. If you planning on drinking non stop today, just know that the California Highway Patrol will be out in full force today. The wise thing to do today is to have a safe ride planned whether that is through rideshare, public transportation or taxi. You don't want to end the day in jail. That wouldn't be so lucky, would it?

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