BEWARE: Gas Theft At An All Time High In LA County

With gas being at an all time high in LA County, there has been a drastic increase in gas theft. Within the past few weeks there have been gas stations with prices in the 6 dollar range, even 7. It is rare to find a gas station that is selling for anything less than 5 dollars, but when you do find one there are lines for miles.

As a result, thieves have opted for stealing gas out of random people's cars. According to NBC Los Angeles, the thieves are drilling holes into the gas tanks of cars, letting the gas leak out into canisters and running away with it to put in their own cars. That is how expensive gas is nowadays. People would rather steal gas than pay for it themselves.

I get the struggle. It cost me nearly 100 dollars to fill up my tank last week. However, it is despicable to think that for some the only option is to take it from others.

The only thing you can do to protect yourself from this happening to your car is to always keep an eye out. Do not leave your car alone at the pump, even to go into the convenience store for some gum. A broken gas tank could cost thousands of dollars to repair so you don't want to fall victim to this crime.

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