The beloved 1997 adaptation of "Cinderella" is coming to Exposition Park for a magical drive-in experience.
Brandy and Whitney Houston's "Cinderella", which was recently added for streaming on Disney+, is among a series of films that will be shown at Exposition Park this month. The drive-in film experience is being hosted by event company Women Under the Influence and Lena Waithe’s Hillman Grad Productions.
Other titles on the female-, BIPOC- and LGBTQ-centric lineup include “Paris Is Burning,” “Sylvie’s Love” and “One Night in Miami...”
The drive-in experience will take place over two weekends (this Friday through Sunday, and Feb. 26 though Feb. 28). The events start at 7 p.m. Friday! "Cinderella", and Jada Pinkett Smith-Queen Latifah crime drama “Set It Off,” are two of the films being shown this weekend.
For more information about tickets and pricing for the drive-in event - click here. The event will take place at 500 Exposition Park Drive.
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