When is the last time you saw a cow? Well, it turns out 54% of people aged 11-24 have actually never seen a cow in person.
The lifestyle website, Parked In Paradise, conducted a study, focusing on 3,500 Americans between the ages 11 - 24-years-old. The survey's purpose? To find common "must-do" experiences.
You're probably thinking..."ummm seeing a cow in person is definitely not on my must-do list!" Regardless, it turns out 54% of the people surveyed have NEVER seen the spotted animal in person.
The survey also found that some "common" activities young people have never partaken in include:
43% have never gone camping or even hiking.
27% have never seen the sun rise. - 27%
19% have never cooked a meal from scratch.
15% have never left the state where they were born.
13% have never sent something in the mail.
Join the conversation below. What is something you've never done before?
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