Girl Powerful

Sand Sisters Los Angeles’ Girl Powerful™ program is a youth empowerment 501(c)3, co-founded by sisters Tedi and Sonya Serge, designed to give female youth the tools to build a strong sense of self. Their mission is to make all girls feel seen, valued and heard. The Girl Powerful philosophy & mental health curriculum is based on socio-emotional learning (SEL) and is endorsed by L. Edmondson Ed. D.

Girl Powerful mentors tween girls, ages 8-14, and teen girls, ages 15-18, to develop the tools to build a strong sense of self through social and emotional learning (SEL).

Girl Powerful™ curriculum, including the Girl Powerful journal, uses evidence-based SEL practices to help young people build self-esteem, create a mind / body connection and value female unity. Social and emotional based programs are proven to increase students’ academic performance, social well-being, and build positive self-esteem. Girl Powerful tools are an influence on each girl’s individual foundation that will carry them into a thriving and balanced adulthood.

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Tedi & Sonya Serge (Founders)

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