Survey Finds Men With 'Dad Bods' Are More Attractive to Women

Turns out men with "dad bods" are officially "more attractive" than they were in the past.

Yes, you read that correctly. Despite six packs abs being everywhere in the media, it appears more and more people are turning their backs on the traditional Herculean physique

Celebrities like Chris Pratt have became poster boys for the dad-bod- build and this seems to have boosted its popularity.

And the label even gets applied to soccer icons. Dad bod means you embrace the small doughy sections of your body.

Survey results published by Planet Fitness show 78 percent of people think confidence is king.The summary said: "Nearly four in five among both women and men believe a 'dad bod' is a sign of a man who is confident in his own skin."

Results also show 65 percent of people say the dad bod is attractive while 61 percent said men with dad bods are sexy - which is up ten percent in 2018.

With body positivity on the rise, the national study showed 23 million men in the United States claimed to have a dad bod - 71 percent of whom believe it is universally accepted.

The survey said: "More men with a dad bod - this year in comparison to last - say they are happier with their body - 79 percent vs. 64 percent. "Having that body type has improved their life in some way - 72 percent vs. 62 percent. "Dad bod has made them more relaxed - 46 percent vs. 37 percent. "Men who say their 'dad bod' has improved their life this year claim their body type has helped them accept themselves - 48 percent.

"Or made them less concerned with their appearance - 47 percent."

This story originally appeared on The Sun.Read more content from The Sun here.

PHOTOS: Getty Images

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