SoCal Gas

As temperatures begin to drop, it’s important to consider how conservation activities can change along with the season. Check out some tips for conserving natural gas during cooler weather!

In colder months, households tend to use more natural gas for home heating and for water heating. During cold weather, it’s possible to use three to seven times more natural gas than summer months as your home heater responds to your thermostat settings and your water heater works harder to keep your hot water, hot. This past winter has been the coldest winter in the last five years, for more helpful tips Click Here

  1. Clean or replace your furnace filters according to manufacturer recommendations.
  2. Have your air ducts tested for leaks. Leaky ducts can cost you between 10 to 30 percent in heating and cooling costs.
  3. Reduce the temperature on your water heater.

Melissa Bailey (SoCal Gas)

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