Starbucks Introduces Two New Drinks That Are Perfect For Summer

Today, June 21st, marks the Summer Solistice, the first official day of summer and longest day of the year. Starbucks is celebrating by introducing two new limited-edition drinks this Friday. These Cold Foam Tea Lemonades, named Summer Sunrise and Summer Sunset will be in stores for your taste testing on the 22nd. 

Both the Sunrise and the Sunset are made first with a pineapple blend and lemonade. Classic syrup and cold foam is used to create The Sunrise by giving it a yellow hue. The Sunset on the other hand, mixes lemonade with Passion Tango herbal tea giving it a bright pink color.

Both The Sunrise and The Sunset are topped off with cold foam topping which is infused with Passion Tango Tea.

You'll have to hurry if you want to try both of these drinks because they're only available for a limited time.

Image via Starbucks

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