Coachella Must Do: The Secret Tiki Bar You Need To Find

I have a super fun Coachella must do to share with you guys! There's a secret tiki bar at the festive and you have to find it, it's totally hidden! This is the second year Coachella has done the secret bar thing, but don't go where you found it last year - they moved it.

If you ask Coachella staff they will not tell you where the bar is located, they will give you hints though - so feel free to ask if you need a hint. What I will tell you is it's located in the normal area, so you don't need to be VIP. It's secret and hidden for a reason, don't expect to see any signs for it. Also a small hint, really THINK tiki bar. It MAY be located near something that ties into tiki theme. That's all.

So, if you find it you'll be able to experience a full tiki environment - island music and yummy tropical drinks. I believe there were 5 speciality drinks, rum and whisky drinks. They were all $16 and totally worth it. You MUST reward yourself with an umbrella drink after searching for the bar. Plus it's air conditioned. Need a say more??

Now go find it! Finding this bar is part of the Coachella fun! 🙌🏻

If you find the bar tweet me or tag me in your photos @TanyaRad! But, don't give away the location for other Coachella goers! 🍹

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