The National Center for Education Statistics has announced that the national reading and math tests used to track U.S.'s students academic progress are being postponed from 2021 to 2022.
The postponement follows concerns about whether testing would be feasible or if they would produce valid results during the Coronavirus pandemic.
According to the Associated Press, the biennial (occurring every other year) National Assessment of Educational Progress evaluations used for the Nation's Report Card were slated early next year, however, widespread stay at home orders and remote learning have reportedly added big complications and costs because the model uses shared equipment and sends outside proctors to conduct the testing in schools.
The Associated Press adds that the leaders of the National Assessment Governing Board said in a separate statement "testing in 2022 instead “would be more likely to provide valuable — and valid — data about student achievement in the wake of COVID-19 to support effective policy, research, and resource allocation."
For the full story, head to the Associated Press
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