Burger King has released an advertisement for "The Whopper Donut", with plans to sell if on National Doughnut Day this Friday!
“Some of you might say it’s just a WHOPPER® sandwich with a hole cut in it, and you might be right,” the company said. “But, hey. If it has a donut hole in it, it’s a donut.”
The Whopper Donut isn't all you'll be getting. You'll also be able to get another "side" item.
“And if you were wondering what happens with that middle cut-out piece (aka “donut hole”), well, it comes as a “free” mini slider,” the burger chain said in a press release. *insert jaw-dropping emojis here*!
The Whopper Donut will be available on June 1 (one day only) alongside its donut hole, which will come served on the side as a cute little slider.
Burger King customers can look for the 'Whopper Donut' in five locations: one each in Los Angeles, New York, Miami Beach, Boston and Salt Lake City!
This is so cool! Will you be trying one?