An Ohio man named Bruce Wayne (yes, like Batman) has documented his journey of eating at Chipotle for 500 days straight. Day 500 was his last as he has said he has had enough Chipotle and is ready to eat something new.
On his 500th day, Bruce ordered three mini chicken quesadillas dressed as Batman!
He said he would “finish the challenge as I started it, and that’s in the bat-suit".
Back in January, Wayne beat the record of 426 days of consecutive Chipotle. Wayne's new record resulted in Chipotle making him a special burrito-themed cape and donated $4,260 — a rough estimate of how much his meal cost since the challenge started — to charity. Wow! That is truly amazing.
He says ending his journey with Chipotle “isn’t just the end of one adventure; it’s the start of a new one.
I cannot imagine spending more than four thousand dollars on Chipotle. That is crazy! I do, however, wonder what and where his next challenge will be.