There is a lot of things you can learn on Tik Tok. I have learned about skincare, hygiene, how to do my makeup, taxes, stocks and how to be a good girlfriend all from tips I saw on Tik Tok. Some people would say "Tik Tok University" has taught us more than actual grade school.
There is no doubt that there have been some interesting food trends this year. Huffington Post came out with a list of the best and worst food trends of 2022. Healthy Coke and Sleepy Chicken were named the worst two food trends.
I tried the Healthy Coke and it was disgusting. It was sparkling water and balsamic vinegar mixed together, and I nearly threw up. The Sleepy Chicken trend has people cooking Nyquil into their chicken as a cold remedy. Experts came out and strongly encouraged people not to participate given that it is extremely dangerous.
What are some of the most outrageous trends you have seen?