If you live in the city of Irvine, police are warning residents to be on the lookout for any coyotes. There has been an increase in sightings in this particular area, and its important for pet owners to stay on guard for their animal's sake.
According to CBS News, the majority of these sightings have reportedly been at night. So when walking your dog, it is important keep a close eye out for a coyote to attack at any moment. That doesn't mean let your guard down during the day, however. There have been coyote attacks in broad daylight before.
"Starting toward April is where we see those young pups starting to show themselves out as those teenagers as they start to learn how to take care of themselves and hunt on their own," said Hope Darrow, Animal Services Supervisor with Irvine Police Department, according to CBS News.
Tips on how to keep your dogs safe from coyotes this summer, here.