WATCH: Man Confuses Wife's Pregnancy Test With A Positive COVID Test

Pregnancy Test

Photo: Getty Images

The TikTok above has gone viral after this man confuses his wife's positive pregnancy test with a positive COVID test! In the video, she hands him the positive pregnancy test and his response is 'Why would you come over?' Immediately confused the wife asks 'What? You're not happy?' The husband then continues saying 'Why would you come over? You know I have a trip next week for work that I can't miss?' The couple continue to go back and forth and the husband still fails to realize it's a pregnancy test and not a COVID Test. He even says 'You know my grandma is not okay right now'. At the end of the video the wife is laughing asking him what the pregnancy test is, and he responds 'you have COVID'. Watch the hilarious video above!

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