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Dating is rough as it is but our girl Tinx is here to help!
If you don't know who Tinx is, well she is known as TikTok's big sister with a following of 1.5 million and helps advise her followers on all aspects of life. Tinx is well known for her dating advice for women who date men and has recently started a biweekly podcast called It's Me, Tinx.
Her texting style is forward, flirty and game-free and says that, "I really just try to remind people time is limited. Make sure you're investing it in people who actually care about you." Below are some topics Tinx touches on when sending text messages.
- Favorite texts to send and receive
- "I'm crushing on you" texts
- Favorite ways to flirt over text
- Booty-call texts
- Morning-after texts
- Texts to rekindle a past romance
- Texts to set boundaries
- Apology texts
- Sending rejection texts
- Breakup texts
To learn more about what Tinx has to say on the topics above, head over to Elite Daily for more.