California Is The Only State In The CDC's 3rd Lowest Tier For COVID Spread

According to KSBW, California was the only U.S. state in the yellow tier this morning in the CDC's COVID Data Tracker. The yellow level means "moderate" community transmission of COVID with 10 to 50 total new cases per 100,000 people in the past 7 days fall here.

How the CDC classifies transmission levels:

Low: 0-10 new cases per 100K residents over the past week or 0-5% positivity rate

Moderate: 15-50 new cases per 100K residents over the past week or 5-8% positivity rate

Substantial: 50-100 new cases per 100K residents over the past week or 8-10% positivity rate

High: 100+ new cases per 100K residents over the past week or 10%+ positivity rate

COVID is still a highly contagious virus and unvaccinated people are at high risk of getting infected by the virus and hospitalized. You can find out how to get your COVID Vaccine here! You can find out where to get tested for COVID here! Remember to stay safe, and wear a mask.

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