Kim Kardashian West Hilariously Roasts Her Family In Debut 'SNL' Monologue

Kim Kardashian made her Saturday Night Live Debut on October 9th, and her monologue basically roasted her entire family! Some highlights from the monologue were her jokes about her infamous career start with Ray J she says "Actually I had that one movie come out, and no one told me it was premiering." She joked about running for office, and then said we can't have 3 failed politicians in the family, poking fun at husband Kanye West and ex-step-father Caitlyn Jenner. She even jokes about OJ Simpson, saying she really has no idea what happened. She then says her whole life is watched by 300 million people, and proceeds to say "how many viewers does SNL get? Only 10 million? This is a walk in the park!" What did you think of Kim Kardashian West's SNL debut?

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