All The Feelings You Have At The Start Of A New 'The Bachelorette' Season

A new season of 'The Bachelorette' is upon us (like, it starts tonight, upon us) and that means we're about to experience an entire roller coaster of emotions.

There's the excitement that our girl RACHEL LINDSAY IS THE BACHELORETTE!

Then you start wondering about the first night limo arrivals...

And how things tend to get weird...

But it's a start to all the AMAZING dates you can only dream of.

But OMG what is Rachel gets her heart broken in the end?!

JK! She already announced that she gets ENGAGED!

And she gets to be the BOSS handing out roses this time around!

This season is basically going to be perfect.

Rachel is amazing, the men seem... interesting, and we KNOW she's in it to win it!

Can't wait to start watching tonight!

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