So THIS Is Why So Many Film Heroines Wear Blue

Have you ever wondered why so many heroines in film wear blue?

I was thinking about this after watching some more previews for the upcoming Beauty and the Beast - because what else would I be doing with my free time - and I realized that Belle is among many film heroines who were blue.

There's Belle, Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy, Cinderella... the list goes on but you get the point.

Well the reason blue is the color of heroines like Belle was explained by the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute. Simply put, the color reminds us of the sky.

Seriously. Leatrice Eiseman said: "It’s dependable. It’s reliable. It might cloud up, but we know it’s there." 

Well, that makes complete sense.

She adds, "You’re adding a bit of power to the character by giving her the blue." Which is because the color traditionally represents dependability, constancy, and loyalty.

So there you have it! 

Want to dress like a movie heroine: It takes one thing: the color blue.

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