Here's How You Could Win $1,000 From KIIS-FM!

Would you let KIIS-FM go through your phone for a thousand dollars? You bet you would! 

We promise- it's not creepy... we're not going to go through your pictures or anything. We're just looking for the iHeartRadio app! Starting Friday, March 10th, if we see you out on the streets of LA and you have the iHeart App on your phone, we'll hand you 1,000 bucks on the spot.

Just make sure you have the app downloaded and we'll come find you. 

Click here to download the iHeartRadio app today!

Watch Manny on the Streets give away $1,000 below:

Watch Sisanie and Tanya give away $1,000 below:

Watch Letty B & Chuey give away $1,000 below:

Watch Jesse Lozano give out $1,000 to a man who was just enjoying his lunch:

Make sure you have the iHeartRadio app DOWNLOADED on your phone ... and please make sure that you have your phone on you at all times guys. 

Watch JoJo give out $1,000 to a college student who didn't see it coming:

Watch Manny give away another $1,000 below:

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