The Chainsmokers Promise Debut Album Is Coming Soon

Alright, Chainsmokers fans. Are you ready for this incredible news?

I kind of don't know if you are.

The guys announced their next tour, the Memories Tour 2017: Do Not Open, ANDDDD dropped the word that their debut full-length album is upon us.

Like okay just totally throw the words "new album" in there like it's nooooo big deal.

Then they clarified things with these tweets:

So they're like "yay best tour yet, oh yeah and new music" and then THIS tweet:

Yep. If you but tickets to the show, you get a copy of the album. Simple as that.

Of course, I think they mean you get a copy of the album automatically when it comes out... not like immediately when you purchase the tickets.

A LITTLE bummed these guys aren't making it to LA in this set of tour dates though. Guess I might have to make a trip down to San Diego.

But look. They're saying the tour includes a new album of music. Sooo it's safe to say the album will be out before that first tour date on April 13th??? EEK.

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